Shogi on Wiiware

The Japanese version of chess has a great deal to offer players of the Western variant. A number of the pieces share similar moves, although the character of the game is markedly different. All the pieces can be powered up when they get in the opponents half of the board which means sudden attacks can be decisive, and as long as you have a few pieces left on the board you still have a chance of getting in a quick finish and coming out victorious.

A version of the game is about to launch on Wiiware, and will let you play online against other people in Japan, for 1000 points.


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3 Responses to “Shogi on Wiiware”

  1. Added. Nice work on this one. Btw, my blog is dofollow, stop by and grab a link. Walter

  2. […] is hugely popular in Japan, there are even TV shows discussing tactics and strategy, as with Shogi. Yours for 1000 Wii […]

  3. This is never easy.

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