Like Lazarus, our Xbox 360 rose from the grave, now it’s dead again

Terrible news. The Japan Gaming Guide Xbox 360 passed away for the second time last week. Naturally we’re pretty upset about this, but at least we’ve got our Wii for company (we can’t afford a PS3 yet). Last time it died we returned it to the shop, but this time we figured we’d give Xbox customer support a shot. After all, there are so few 360s in Japan, and MS are so keen to succeed over here, they probably have a fleet of gold plated repair vans waiting to tear across Japan to replace our fried console.

Well not quite, from our experience so far it seems MS aren’t quite hitting the customer service buttons quite as hard as we might hope. For starters we had to wait a few days to call thanks to their lousy opening hours being right in the middle of our day job. Then when we did get a chance to call, we spoke to someone who seemed to think the way to deal with a non-native Japanese speaker was to talk as fast as possible, which left us pretty dazed and confused. After they called things got a bit better, they sent a guy to pick up our console the next day (Saturday) and we’re told we should get our system back in 10 days at the latest. Fortunately they didn’t take our hard drive, so all our precious save data should be intact.

To be fair, we can’t start complaining yet, they only picked it up a few days ago, and we can’t expect everyone in the country to understand our fairly ridiculous attempts to speak Japanese. We’ll let you know how long it takes them to get the thing back to us, and then pass judgement. Hurry up Microsoft!

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