Japan Gaming Pilgrimage – 7 essential places to visit

So you made it to Japan, but it’s a big place. Where to go? What to do? You could spend your time visiting tourist spots and visiting cultural sites, but hey, you’re a gamer. You want more than that. You want to see the beating heart of Japan’s game culture with your own two eyes. Here’s our guide:


The gamers’ Mecca has diversified in recent years, it’s no longer the exclusive preserve of Otaku, but this is still the place to come to find huge arcades, buy retro rarities and oggle cosplayers. Akihabara has more game shops than the average city – walking its streets is nothing short of a gamers paradise. You’ll also find robots, maid cafes and many other quirky wonders hidden in its streets.

Kyoto – Nintendo

The serious gaming pilgrim will want to head to the outskirts of Kyoto to find the headquarters of Nintendo. So much of gaming’s history was created inside this building that you’ll probably want to gaze in awe for several minutes before trying and failing to get let in. For the ultimate in gaming kudos you’ll want to stage a 24 hour vigil outside wearing a Mario costume and refusing to leave until you get Miyamoto san’s autograph. Please send us the pictures if you do this.

Osaka Super Potato

Den Den Town is Osaka’s equivalent of Akihabara. It’s a whole load of electronic and gaming stores all in one place. It’s not as big or as diverse as it’s Tokyo twin but if there was an award for the best individual game store in Japan, it would probably go to Osaka Super Potato. The place is chock full of retro goodies – consoles of yesteryear are piled high on the shelves; games fill the walls like books in some medieval wizard’s library. And the sound – oh the sound! Classic gaming jingles will assail your ears from every direction. Don’t forget your credit card either – you’re sure to find something to tempt you among the stores many gaming rarities.

While you’re in the area, try to check out Retro TV Game revival, which carries a lot of older retro titles, as well as lots of signed games and memorabilia.

Tokyo Game Show

This one pretty much goes without saying – that’s why you’re here, right? Despite Nintendo’s absence, this is still the place to go to see Japanese game culture in all it’s full-on glory. The latest and greatest from nearly all of Japan’s finest game creators will be on show here. There’ll be more games than you can shake a stick at, and some of the most creative cosplayers around will be strutting their stuff.

JJ Club 100

These places are all over Japan and are completely and utterly fantastic. Luckily there isn’t one to close to us here at JGG, because if there was, we’d probably be in it at least, ooh 9 hours a day. Imagine 6 floors of entertainment. Bowling alleys, pool tables, table tennis, DVDs. Sound good? Now add an entire floor of arcade machines on free play, and another floor of private booths with the latest game consoles and a library of games to choose from. $4 an hour. We’d live there if they’d let us.

Yodobashi Camera

Akihabara and Den Den Town are great for those quirky titles and rarities. Yodobashi Camera is the other end of the scale. They’re superstores with huge game sections. If you see pictures in the gaming press lots of Japanese people queuing for the latest console release, this is usually where they’re taken. If you want a one stop gaming fix then here is the place to get it. All the current releases will be here, along with a huge selection of peripherals, gaming literature and gaming odds & ends.

Japan Gaming Guide

Yes, we’re here, if you know where to find us. But seriously, stay away from our bins.

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2 Responses to “Japan Gaming Pilgrimage – 7 essential places to visit”

  1. […] will take place in arcades across Japan from November 1st to December 7th. There are participation prizes for everybody, but standards are […]

  2. […] planning a gaming pilgrimage to Japan it’s essential to make sure your chopstick skills are up to scratch. What finer way to do […]

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