Missile Dancer 2 Demo Review

Missile Dancer 2 is an upcoming game from Japanese indie developer Terarin Games. There’s a new demo on Steam, which we took a look at.

The game plays like a combination of Afterburner and Space Harrier, with the emphasis on the former. You’re flying a combat aircraft into the screen and have missiles, which lock on to multiple targets, and a cannon, which shoots close range targets and enemy missiles.

As well as enemy planes to fight, there are also giant robots and other weird enemies more akin to Space Harrier. There are also obstacles to dodge, which we didn’t quite get the hang of in our brief playthrough.

Based on our first impressions the game will lead towards the tough side. It’s a lot busier and pressured  than the aforementioned Super Scaler games, and feels like a bullet hell game at times with so much going on. There are three difficulty levels, so you can keep things manageable, or make things even harder, if that’s your thing.

Missile Dancer 2 has bright, chunky graphics and gorgeous retro sound. Gamers of a certain age will love it. The demo includes a tutorial, and a 3-minute score attack mode, though the demo doesn’t include any of the arcade mode.

The final game promises 16 levels of arcade action on top of what you can try in the demo, and we can’t wait to check it out. Check out the demo now on Steam. Take a look at Terarin’s site for more info.

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