Metal Gear Solid to sneak onto Xbox?

It seems you can’t please some people. Not impressed by the $100 PS3 price drop, Konami have dropped some hints that the long and happy relationship between Solid Snake and the Playstation may be about to end. Snake needs to see other people, he still loves Playstation, it’s just, life is short – he doesn’t sell like he once did and he’s not getting any younger. There’s no-one else, but hey, who’s that slender looking 360 gal? She may have a tendency to overheat, but beggars can’t be choosers. And what about that tiny new Nintendo Wii? Can she handle Snake’s demanding character and polygon count? She can sure try.

So, if you were planning on getting a PS3 for Metal Gear Solid 4, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to play it somewhere else soon.

Update: It seems Snake and the Playstation may have patched things up – they recently made a statement confirming their commitment to each other. Snake also said he wouldn’t be making any more games after Metal Gear Solid 4. Maybe there is a reason to get a PS3 after all..


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